The IT Community at Stanford website is designed to help you stay better connected to your IT colleagues, more informed about the work each other is doing, and more aligned on how we serve our broader communities.


Meet IT CareerLab’s new event series, “Coffee & Careers”

Meet IT CareerLab’s new event series, “Coffee & Careers”

There are many ways to grow your career in the IT community at Stanford, but it can be difficult knowing where to begin. University IT’s Organizational Effectiveness team will offer a new event series called “Coffee & Careers” that will focus on the IT community’s career development programs.

Proofpoint Update Will Adjust Alias Email Flexibility

Proofpoint Update Will Adjust Alias Email Flexibility

Due to the recent update to Stanford’s security email routing system, University IT (UIT) will begin phasing out some flexibility in accepting alternate forms of email aliases this fall.

2024 Campus IT Plan Launches With Updated Strategies and Notable Enhancements

2024 Campus IT Plan Launches With Updated Strategies and Notable Enhancements

Take a look at the 2024 strategic plans across Stanford’s IT community. This year, we’ve made several user experience improvements and introduced Explorations — initiatives to research and discover new technology possibilities and solutions.
