Academic Council Committee on Academic Computing and Information Systems (C-ACIS)

The Committee on Academic Computing and Information Systems (C-ACIS) shall formulate policies concerning the computing and information systems of the university to meet the academic and administrative needs of the faculty, students, and academic staff. It shall also review the implementation of these policies. 

Read the C-ACIS charge.

Committee Roster

Name Committee Role Department
Philip Levis Chair Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Nima Aghaeepour Faculty Member Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Adam Bonica Faculty Member Political Science
Mike Cherry Faculty Member Genetics
Mike Dunne Faculty Member Photon Science
Ashish Goel Faculty Member Management Science and Engineering 
Boris Harizanov Faculty Member Linguistics
Stephen B. Montgomery  Faculty Member Genetics and Pathology and of Biomedical Data Science
Manish Saggar Faculty Member Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
TBD Postdoc Member  
Nikita Kozak Student Member  
Joshua Martinez Student Member  
Ahad Rauf Student Member  

Non-Voting Members

Name Committee Role Department
John Willinsky Co-Opted Chair, C-LIB Graduate School of Education 
Michael Keller Ex Officio University Librarian and Director of Acad. Info. Res., Stanford University Libraries
Steve Gallagher Ex Officio Chief Information Officer

Staff Members

Name Committee Role Department
Megan Fisher Staff Member Executive Assistant, University IT
Nancy Ware Staff Member Chief of Staff, University IT

Upcoming Meetings

Discussion Topic Proposals

C-ACIS welcomes proposals for topics of discussion from anyone in the Stanford community. To propose a discussion topic, fill out a copy of the linked Discussion Document and send it to Nancy Ware (, who will add it to the C-ACIS files and forward it to the committee. 

You can view discussion documents from previous meetings for examples of how to fill it out. The goal of these documents is to structure the committee’s discussion. You can assume that everyone on the committee has read the document when the topic is discussed: we do not typically use slide decks in meetings.

If you have any questions or need guidance, please reach out to the C-ACIS Chair Phil Levis (, who is happy to help.

Propose a discussion topic

Past Meetings

In the section below, review past agendas, discussion papers, etc. Click on the agenda topic to access discussion papers related to the topic. 

  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
  2. C-ACIS Charge
    Phil Levis
    • Do we suggest any changes, updates, or rewrites of the C-ACIS Charter?
  3. AI, Privacy, and Surveillance
    Phil Levis, Zakir Durumeric, Dan Boneh
    • Closed session at request of report authors. Discussion paper shared privately within the committee
  4. Student Panel
    Moderated by Phil Levis. Student Participants: Edward Garcia Cortez (CS, undergrad), Louise Li (Math, Junior), Nathan Mohit (CS, undergrad)
    • Question to the students: If you could change 2 things about IT at Stanford, what would they be and why?
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
  2. Public Access Research
    Phil Levis, Mike Dunne, and Tom Cramer
    • In the context of upcoming federal mandates for public access to federally funded research, what are the major weaknesses or emerging challenges in Stanford’s computing support for archiving and stewardship of research data and results?
  3. 2024-2025 Topics Discussion 
    Phil Levis
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
  2. OAE Accommodation 
    Keith Winstein and Shelley Hou
    • Should the university commit resources to build and operate such a website?
  3. 2FA Kerberos 
    Paul Nuyujukian, David Mazières, Scotty Logan, Andrej Krevl, Armand Capote, Sriram Krovvidi, and Kilian Cavalotti
    • Should Stanford deploy an MIT Kerberos service that provides 2FA for Kerberos?
  4. Year in Review 
    Phil Levis 
  5. Computer Hardware Purchasing 
    Paul Nuyujukian, Zakir Durumeric, Anne Sweeney, Raina Rose Tagle, Brad Immanuel, Kim Seidler, and Jeff Barkow
    • Can research hardware be exempt from the purchasing policy and Jamf preinstallation?
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
  2. ASSU Course Enrollment Proposal 
    Phil Levis 
    • Does C-ACIS support the two relevant proposals in the resolution? Why or why not?
  3. C-Res & Research Infrastructure 
    Jeannette Bohg 
    • Should compute infrastructure be defined as a research instrument?
  4. Software Purchasing 
    Kurt Howerton, Debby Inenaga, and Andrej Krevl
    • What does the changed process attempt to address or solve?
    • What metric is used to measure success of the change that was made?
    • Can the process be streamlined in a way that does NOT impede research at Stanford?
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis
  2. Medium Risk Research Data
    Paul Nuyujukian 
    • Does the existence of medium risk research data and the barriers to access that it entails support the mission of the University?
  3. Video Safety and Security System (VSSS)
    Matthew Ricks and Vince Bergado
  4. Course Enrollment System 
    Paul Nuyujukian 
    • Should we forward the motion recommending changes to course enrollment to the Faculty Senate?
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
  2. Course Registration System 
    Paul Nuyujukian 
    • Should the University develop and deploy a better enrollment system?
  3. AFS Space Expiration 
    Steve Gallagher 
    • I propose that we resolve to preserve course websites in perpetuity by default, as a matter of academic policy. In particular, this would mean not having AFS spaces for courses expire as a default.
  4. Update on Canvas Visibility Motion to Faculty Senate
    Phil Levis
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis
  2. Student Panel
    Phil Levis
    • Question to the students: If you could change 2 things about IT at Stanford, what would it be and why?
      • Jenny Mai CS, Senior
      • Delaney Swinton UND, Frosh
      • Sheldon Ouma Otieno Math, Jr
      • Uwizerwa "Sonia' Karita  Mechanical Engineering, Sr
      • Jacob Tyler Randolph GSE, Grad Studen
  3. Data Governance for Research Computing
    Mike Dunne
    • What changes are needed to Stanford policies and data storage/access mechanisms in order to ensure compliance with the OSTP memo on access to federally funded research data?
  4. Upcoming Google Workspace Changes 
    Sam Steinhardt
    • Can we proceed with the proposed timeline? If not, what changes do you suggest?
    • What chargeback option do you prefer?
    • If extensions or exceptions are requested, should we consider them, and if so, what criteria might we use?
  1. Welcome
    Phil Levis 
    • Introductions 
    • Review Agenda 
    • C-ACIS Logistics 2023-2024
  2. Canvas Visibility
    Phil Levis 
    • Which Canvas resources, if any, should we set the default policy to be public?
    • Should we bring this as a question before the Faculty Senate?
  3. URL Defense
    Amy Steagall
    • Does the opt-in campaign as described in this document, meet the concerns of C-ACIS?
  4. Mastadon 
    Josh Barnett
    • How can we most effectively communicate with this committee during the pilot and are there any concerns this group foresees that could impact the decision to proceed with a full launch for all Stanford faculty?
  5. 2023-2024 Topics Discussion 
    Phil Levis, Steve Gallagher/Nancy Ware

C-ACIS Annual Reports