Stanford People of Color in Technology (Stanford POC-IT) is a community of underrepresented people and allies whose mission is to advance representation, engagement, and support for people of color in technology roles or fields at Stanford.
With support from the IDEAL IT program administration team and Emeritus POC-IT Leads, POC-IT Sponsors and Advisory Group, the Program co-Leads will set vision and strategy for Stanford POC-IT and ensure all events and initiatives are in alignment with the program mission and with the IDEAL Strategic Plan.
The term begins Winter 2024 and ends in Winter 2025, with potential to “re-up” for a second year. The role requires a 20%-30% total time commitment split between the two leads (10%-15% each) and requires supervisor approval. The full role description can be found here.
- Oversee all POC-IT programming, ensuring alignment with POC-IT’s strategy and vision.
- Provide guidance and strategic leadership and serve as the conduit for the work of the committees.
- Reevaluate the POC-IT Advisory Group size and composition, strategically adjusting as necessary.
- Provide regular reporting to stakeholders and sponsors, including CIO Council.
- Engage in IDEAL IT leadership (cross-IDEAL IT projects, events, and meetings) and escalate issues to program administrators as needed.
Learning Outcomes:
- Grow leadership and program management skills
- Network with individuals from around the Stanford entity (university, SLAC and Stanford Medicine)
- Increase strategic planning skills
- Continue to grow communication and decision-making skills
Requirements to Apply:
- Approval of manager or supervisor
Location: Hybrid (either campus) or fully remote
Duration: 12 months, from January 2025 - January 2026
Percent Time: 10-15% time (6 hours a week)