Year Up Fireside Chat Coordinator

The Year Up Internship Program at Stanford is looking for a motivated individual who will take the lead on the Fireside Chat series. During each six-month Year Up cohort, we envision having two one-hour workshops: one will feature an existing staff member currently in a role in which the cohort is interested in learning more about while the other will feature a panel of Year Up alums currently working at Stanford. We anticipate this role will take 2-3 hours per month to complete.


  • Utilize project management skills
  • Utilize marketing and communication skills
  • Lead a working group, create agendas and run meetings
  • Delegate tasks as appropriate
  • Coordinate with Year Up Program Management team

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Build/grow project management skills
  • Build/grow leadership skills (persuasion and influence, meeting facilitation, etc.)
  • Build/grow communication and marketing skills
  • Grow network

Requirements to Apply: 

  • Approval of manager or supervisor

Location: Hybrid (either campus) or fully remote

Duration: 5 months, from February 2025 - July 2025

Percent Time: 2-3% time (2-3 hours a month)