Want to know the best practices for creating accessible electronic documents? Do you know the options for converting PDF documents into accessible versions? Unsure if you can even find your documents on your website?
There are multiple strategies for ensuring your electronic documents, such as Microsoft Word files, Google Docs, or PDFs are accessible and usable by people with disabilities. Adopting simple best practices, such as creating logical headings, adding alternate text to images, and creating descriptive hyperlinks are just a few solutions to address accessibility during the content authoring process. And if an accessible PDF is the goal, then there are several different paths to consider, such as exporting to different formats, using the Equidox application to fix documents, or finding a vendor to make updates for you.
A major challenge in addressing electronic document accessibility can often be just finding where such documents exist publicly. Sometimes the fastest way to address document accessibility is to ‘prune’ old content by either archiving or removing inaccessible documents from websites. Techniques and strategies will be discussed, including using tools like Siteimprove and Google Analytics, to aid in the discovery and decision-making process of what to keep, what to fix, and what to remove.
Whether you are creating documents, evaluating various PDF accessibility remediation plans, or just trying to identify what you may have posted publicly, this session will have something for you. Come to the session to learn the best practices for creating accessible electronic documents, converting PDFs, and managing website content. This session covers strategies for ensuring accessibility in Word, Google Docs, and PDFs, as well as tools for finding and fixing online documents. Join us for a comprehensive discussion and Q&A session to address your questions.
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