It’s “game on” for the 2021 WIT Summer Social! Join us on Zoom, Aug. 19 from 10-11:15 a.m. for a game-themed social event. Get to know other members of the community while playing your favorite games and competing for prizes.
Bonus: We will be piloting an online, interactive networking tool called Topia. Don’t miss it!"
Earn a BeWell Berry for attending
There is a new process to earn a BeWell Berry. If you are a BeWell participant and would like to earn a Berry, please complete sections A and D of the Berry validation form and submit by uploading the form to your BeWell account. To submit the form:
- Sign in to your BeWell account
- Click “Berries” in the left-hand menu
- Select “Validation Forms” in the left-hand menu when it appears
- On the Berry validation form page, select the wellness activity type and sponsoring Stanford organization
- Click “Choose file” and find the validation form you wish to submit
- Click “Upload validation form” to submit your form — please allow a week for administrators to review your submission