Introducing Register Anywhere: A New Stanford Device Registration Feature

The Stanford Device Registration (SDR) application, which simplifies the device registration and compliance process, has a new feature called Register Anywhere. This feature enables the community, particularly new staff, students, and faculty, to register a device from—you guessed it—anywhere! Using this feature means macOS and Windows devices can connect to the Stanford network seamlessly upon arrival to campus locations. 

But first, more on SDR

Stanford requires encryption to ensure data security and protect all computers (Mac and Windows) and mobile devices used for work.

With SDR:

  • You can register, enroll, and encrypt your device through a streamlined process.
  • Your device(s) can be made compliant.
  • Data protections are instilled based on your university affiliation.

Register Anywhere

Before the launch of Register Anywhere, users had to take additional steps to connect to the Stanford network upon their first time coming to campus. Now, community members can pre-register their devices before arriving at a Stanford location, simplifying the network connection process. 

The registration workflow will include an additional prompt asking users to verify if and on which campus they will use their devices. 

Here are the additional steps in SDR for Register Anywhere:

  1. SDR will prompt community members to verify that the device they are registering will be used at a Stanford location.
    SDR prompt: "Will you be using this device on a Stanford campus?"
  2. If “Yes” is selected, a dropdown menu will populate for the user to indicate a specific Stanford location.  (e.g., Cardinal Hall, Polya Hall)
    SDR prompt requiring user to select a Stanford location via a dropdown menu.
  3. The standard device registration process continues after the user selects “Next.” The community member will simply connect to the network when they arrive at a Stanford location. 

Questions about SDR or Register Anywhere? Submit a Help request to the SDR team. 


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