To align with security updates and requirements, University IT (UIT) has stood up a new remote desktop license server and will decommission the old remote desktop license servers on Aug. 31, 2020.
UIT is sending notifications to a broad Stanford IT audience to ensure that anyone supporting Remote Desktop license servers is aware of this upcoming change. If you do support remote desktop servers, you will need to take action as described below.
Action required
If your remote desktop servers currently point to the old license servers (ASINFRAPRD15 and ASINFRAPRD16), please update to the new license server (ASINFRAPRD08) by Aug. 31, 2020. This must be done to avoid issues connecting to your remote desktop service.
How to update
You can update to the new license server through two methods. Follow these instructions on how to use Group Policy or the Windows Registry to configure your license server settings.
Additional help
If you have questions or need assistance, please submit a Help ticket.