Accessibility in IT News

Accessibility in IT Fireside Chat and Q&A with Kate Sonka
In June, Accessibility in IT hosted a fireside chat “Teaching Accessibility and Accessibly - Why Not Both?” featuring guest speaker Kate Sonka, Executive Director of Teach Access.

Accessibility in IT Lunch-n-Learn Series Kicks Off
In April 2023, Accessibility in IT introduced its new Lunch-n-Learn series with a pilot event “Accessibility in IT: Small Changes, Big Results.”

Upcoming Lunch-n-Learns Spotlight Practical Actions for Accessibility in IT
This spring, the IDEAL IT Accessibility in IT program is launching a new virtual lunch-n-learn series intended for anyone who wants to learn more about accessibility and why it’s important.

Launching Accessibility in IT
In June, IDEAL IT launched Accessibility in IT, a new community-based program focused on allyship, awareness, and accountability around digital accessibility at Stanford.

Newest IDEAL IT pillar engages “hearts and minds” around digital accessibility
IDEAL IT and the Stanford Office of Digital Accessibility have teamed up to launch Accessibility in IT, a new program that is part of IDEAL IT and focuses on building allyship and awareness around digital accessibility.