We are excited to offer Zoom attendance for all sessions at this year’s IT Unconference. Zoom attendance is encouraged for full-time remote employees or those who won’t be able to make it in person.
What to expect as a remote attendee
The Unconference opening, lightning talks, and agenda creation will be available via Zoom. The zoom meeting IDs will be posted on the day of the event.
All session talks will be available via Zoom. The zoom meeting IDs will be posted on the sessions page on the day of the event.
All Zoom participants’ microphones will be muted by default to avoid audio interruptions for the presenters. You will be able to listen to the audio and view any slide presentations via the Zoom screen share. Your questions can be posted in the Zoom chat and a moderator in the room will ask your question aloud to the presenter. You can also chat with other participants via the Zoom chat or Slack channel. You may unmute yourself during the Q and A segment of the sessions.
For speakers/presenters: The session leader will assign a Zoom moderator at the beginning of each session. The Zoom moderator will help ensure your slides are shared on the Zoom channel and any questions in the Zoom chat will be read aloud during your session. The moderator will also repeat (or type) any questions that come from audience members inside the room so Zoom attendees can follow along.
Zoom sessions will also be recorded and posted to the IT Unconference website.
Tips & Guidelines
Chances are if you are already working remotely full or part time, you have this step covered. But just in case, be sure to login and install Zoom ahead of time so that you can familiarize yourself with the Zoom interface and request support should you run into any issues.
Engage with other online attendees via the Zoom chat. Be sure to change the chat settings to send your messages to “everyone” instead of just the host.
Can’t hear? Slides aren’t working? Post to the Zoom chat or #itunconf Slack channel for support!
Be Flexible! We’re learning with you and appreciate your flexibility to help make this a positive experience for everyone.
Contact the IT Unconference planning committee at it-unconference-registration@lists.stanford.edu