Introducing SCR (Stanford Container Registry)

Proposed By
Xueshan Feng
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Container Registry is a repository for storing docker container images.  There are a lot of commercial services available for both public and private  registries.  This session introduce Stanford private container registry that utilize Stanford SSO and repositories access control. Presentation link is here:

List of high-level concepts from presentation:

  • Overview of most popular container services including Dockerhub, AWS (Elastic Container Registry), 
  • Singularity Hub was referenced in the context of Stanford Research Computing effort
  • Stanford Container Registry is integrated with 
  • Hosted on GCP/GKE given the level of Kubernetes support
  • Enabling from within when you login (demo in session)
  • Once access is granted, scope is for 'api' (per project)
  • Can be shared out to team
  • Questions can be posted on COP #git

