How to recognize if the UX/UI of your product is on the right track.

Proposed By
David Tom & Joe Knox
We will discuss what UX/UI attributes contribute to a great user experience.

Notes from Weds Dec 9 unConference Session

UX (user experience) /UI (user interface) is on right and good track?

Led by David Tom and Joe Knox 

Intro of main speakers, names and roles – the session video recording of the Mural App will be crucial to seeing the ideas of participants

Mural app ( is a website linked where everyone can mouse around and “brainstorm about the agenda for today” like a SCRUM post it session of putting ideas onto a while board

    Like little virtual post-it notes, like a SCRUM online where folks write out their ideas.
    David gave about five minutes for the post-it notes to be produced (please see the 

What are markers that your UX is on the right track?

Then “grouping the notes” is next step – again, the session video recording will show the five minutes of grouping

Then Joe starts to create buckets, like “behavior”, then a bucket of “user research/feedback”, then a bucket for “usability”

Then theming (putting it into buckets) of the notes is next step after – using a “prioritize curve chart” where “importance is one an axis” and then “feasibility is one another axis”, and the stickies are dropped onto that chart (see the video please)

Lots of dragging and dropping of the scattered dots along the "feasibility axis" etc. with verbal discussion about logic of where the dots are placed

David moved to a Google Doc of questions UI managers should ask themselves, called the “Product/Page Design Worksheet Template – 2020”

David walked through examples, like interface, he mentioned CTA = call to action steps, using tool to sketch idea, be humane and friendly,  

James brings up good point that “performance of web page cannot take longer than 2 seconds of load time”, James says “time from request until render” 






This session will have a brainstorming session as well as a share out of a tool to help guide a person/team though understanding if their product UX/UI is on the right track.

Please join the brainstorm on Mural.


Intro: 5 minutes - 10:05

Brainstorm: 5 minutes - 10:10

Grouping: 5 minutes - 10:15

Themes: 5 Minutes - 10:20

Prioritization: 5 minutes - 10:25

Wrap on Brainstorm: 5 minutes - 10:30

Product/Page Design Worksheet Template - 2020: 10 minutes - 10:40

UXers: 5 Minutes - 10:45
