Next version of the Campus IT Plan

Proposed By
Pauline Larmaraud
Thursday, December 14
3:05 – 3:50 p.m.
What would you like to read about your colleagues in the Campus IT Plan about their strategies for the year? What do you like, what can we do better? How do we keep it uptodate in between yearly updates? What else would you like it to be?

The Campus IT Plan provides one place for the Stanford Community to learn about the IT goals and strategies of 30 IT units on campus. Each participating unit provides a new plan or updated plan on a yearly or bi-annual basis. The intent is to help people connect, learn from each other and team up to tackle common challenges. Is this meeting the needs of the community? What can we add or do better? What would you like to see in the CITP?

Here is the link to the Jamboard where we collected suggestions and ideas during the session. Many thanks to those of you who attended and participated.

The BRM Team will gladly continue to collect your ideas at Thank you!
