Stonly Interactive Content Creation Tool

Proposed By
Beth McCullough
Thursday, December 14
1:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Number of Attendees
Come learn about Stonly [], the interactive tool powering the Tech Resources & Support self-service help guides.

Slide deck - TechSource: Stonly Session 2023 Dec 14

Core project team for the Tech Source site

- Beth McCullough

- Melissa Doernte

- Karen Bettucchi

- Sarah Willson


Improving Student Technology Support Initiative

- Important to do a lot of user testing with student

- Student Technology Support Coalition was the driving group in the project


High level goal to provide students ability to Self Service whenever possible


Content Types

- Alerts and announcements

- Help Guides and short answer questions

- Resources

- Information guides



- A tool with a feature rich environment

Features TechSource site utilities

- Guides

- Knowledge bases

- Insights


Very responsive company to help with questions and needs we had during this project.


Stonly Demo

- Login and go to Guide management.

- Knowledges bases can be sliced in to smaller knowledge bases

  • Current license allows us for unlimited guide creation
    • We do have limited logins though
    • If people are interested in checkin out how to use it, in the future we may be able to allow others to test out functionality
  • Stanford Webservices team did custom work on Stonly to look very similar to Drupal page.
  • Two ways to access the Stonly content
    • Search the knowledge base
    • Browse
  • User interface on Stonly is very simple. If you’ve used Drupal, it’s similar.
  • You can create buttons and move them around on the page
    • Can go to different steps in a guide

Create a new guide demo

  • Important how you name guides
    • Stonly ranks words in the guides for search optimization
    • Internal name does not need to be the same as the visible name on the site
  • Super easy to go in and change guides and have it go live immediately.
    • As IT things change quickly in IT it’s great to be able to 
    • Ability to add tags - but better to get the terms in the title or text of the guides
      • For searching optimization use as many shorthand terms and names in guides.
  • Make a multistep guide
    • Can have many branches and there is a helpful flowchart view to see all guide branches
    • Put in your content —> Decide next steps —> 


Question: if you wanted to use it for knowledge management. Is there functionality to alert to review old documentation

- It’s on the their roadmap to add as a functionality down the road. 


Our intent is to review the content once a year.

Insights you can see when users consistently get stuck on a guide

  • Stonly considers an active guide if it’s gone into and moved through.
  • You can see the most popular guides in the insights


Questions: Content on, can it be found through Google. 

- It can be found on the search in Google if it’s unique enough.



- Licensing group. What does that entail? Whom?

- Answer: Stanford does. 15 User Licenses and unlimited development of Guides


Question: You had a database before. Did everything get migrated to Stonly? How did it get created?

- It was made by hand, not sure of if there is a migration tool.

  • We didn’t want to create a lot of original content or duplicate too much content. 


Question: Does it support using screenshots?

- You can use different media types imported.


Question: Was there usage of the Knowledge base feature?

- The knowledge base is the container

- The whole site is essential is a knowledge base


Question: Anything dynamic on using the FAQs?


Other features like a Widget - it can be embedded on your site

  • Guided walk thru


Questions: can you limit searches to just Stanford people?

- We could put the site under SSO, we chose not to due to issues with SUNets.


Question: what was your process to vetting this tool?

- Accessibility was key

  • We did look at many other tools
  • Important tool was Decision trees. 
    • Ability to branch
  • Zingtree and Ocelot


Accessibility review of Stonly - the company made changes immediately and so willing to work with them.


We did not want to reinvent the wheel of information - we created guides that link outward.

- we link to a lot of articles in ServiceNow


Question: How do you track broken links?

- Site improve will tell you if there is a broken link on your site


Question: what is site improve?

- Site license with Stanford web services
